The Lose It! app with food data logged in an iPhone

Top Rated Weight Loss Plan

Track the foods you love and lose weight

Weight Loss Made Easy

Set Your Goals

Tell us what you want to acheive and receive personalized goals.

Track Your Food

Learn about the foods you’re eating and keep your calories within your daily budget.

Lose Weight

Reach your goals and continue to set new ones for a happier, healthier you!




Advice from Successful Members

Track every single bite you take. You need to know how you’re doing before dinner. If you don’t, things can get away from you fast."

- Carla, 65 lbs lost without giving up pizza.

Everyday is a battle, and you have to make the choice each morning to fight for your health and wellness"

- Alex, lost 85 lbs for his wedding.

A Balanced Approach to Weight Loss

Get motivated with these nutrition and wellness tips and user success stories!

Is Drinking Seltzer Actually Healthy?

Fun 20 Minute Treaadmill Workout

Seven Strategies for a Better Night Sleep

The Secret Behind Intituve Eating

5 Ways You,re Sabogating Your Weight Loss

10 Tips For Making Helthier Choices When Dining Out

Setting Macronutrients Goals:How Many Macros Do You Need?

Quick Tips To Make Helthier Decision

Is Drinking Seltzer Actually Healthy?